The Other Side of the Flood for an Elementary

When schools experience back to back flooding, like Liberty Elementary in Harrisburg, South Dakota, they begin asking themselves questions. Is it worth the continuous refinishing costs and massive renovation costs experienced after a flood to have a wood gymnasium floor? The Superintendent in Harrisburg decided the answer was no, he then selected a Sport CourtⓇ gymnasium floor for its low maintenance design.     "We're not putting in another wood floor, we're going to put in Sport Court and so if it ever does flood again, hopefully that never happens, but if it does then we will not ruin a floor," Holbeck said.

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Texas Highschool Upgrades Sport Court Gym Flooring to MapleSelectâ„¢

Texas Highschool Upgrades Sport Court Gym Flooring to MapleSelectâ„¢

A Sport Court gym floor was installed by the late Rick Surratt at Antonian College Prep High School, in San Antonio, in the mid-1990’s. For over 20 years the floor had performed well and withstood several floods as well as daily sports and physical education activities. As time passes, the school grew tired of the "Lego floor" and decided to replace it, so their general contractor called the Sport Court dealer (Sport Court of Texas) to come in and take a look.

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