Sport Court Is Big Player in the Tiger Street Football Tournament in Asia

Sport Court Is Big Player in the Tiger Street Football Tournament in Asia

POSTED ON 1/10/11 | Sport Court® has been selected as the playing surface for the 2011 Tiger Street Football Tournament.  This first-ever event kicks off with regional games April 16-17 in the Tiger Football Stadium in Ngee Ann City in the heart of Singapore’s shopping district. Regional play will continue on Sport Court surfaces, including the Grand Finals in September in Kuala Lumpur.

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New Sport Court DreamCourt to Be Dedicated in Frisco, Texas

POSTED ON 8/17/10 | A special basketball “DreamCourt” for this Dallas suburb will be dedicated here Wednesday, August 18, the first of a series of courts planned for about 30 U. S. cities as a joint project of the Nancy Lieberman Foundation, the Manifest Foundation and Sport Court®.

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