Ways to Decrease Likelihood of Injury Playing Volleyball

Ways to Decrease Likelihood of Injury Playing Volleyball

Volleyball is a demanding sport. One second the player is jumping to block an opponent’s spike, and the next second another player is diving on the home gym flooring to save the ball before it hits the ground. The stress that this sport puts on a body is intense.

Read More   7 years ago

Why You Should Spend More Time in a Home Gym This Summer

Why You Should Spend More Time in a Home Gym This Summer

Many athletes around the nation have struggled with one difficult but relevant question, “Should I get a gym membership?” This may seem like a great idea, due to the amount of social media photos you’ve seen of friends working out. People often start working out more during the summer and while a small monthly fee might convince you that it’s worth it, there are always alternatives. One amazing alternative to signing and committing to a gym membership is a home basketball court.

Read More   7 years ago

