Many athletes around the nation have struggled with one difficult but relevant question, “Should I get a gym membership?” This may seem like a great idea, due to the amount of social media photos you’ve seen of friends working out. People often start working out more during the summer and while a small monthly fee might convince you that it’s worth it, there are always alternatives.

One amazing alternative to signing and committing to a gym membership is a home basketball court. While you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, “I don’t even play basketball,” remember that there are alternative uses that come with this court, such as turning it into a home gym.

Another benefit that comes from a private gym is choosing the placement. For example, you have the freedom of installing it indoors, which is great for a home gym, or outdoors for a livelier home basketball court.

Read up on some of the reasons this great investment can save you from an overcrowded, public gym.

You’ll Never Have to Leave Your Home

We are all crunched for time. Not only do many work 40 hours a week, but some have kids to look after, errands to run and classes to attend — all while still attempting to make time for their regular workout. On the other hand, kids might have a hard time being able to take part in physical activities if their parents are always too busy to take them to the park.

A home basketball gym will solve your scheduling issues. A home gym will eliminate the need to get out of the house, saving you time and gas as well. No longer will you have to sit through traffic, wasting valuable time in exchange for an hour of exercise.

Aside from saving time, your kids will be able to enjoy a game of basketball while you’re busy getting the house ready for dinner.

The Safety Benefits are Unmatchable

Public gyms are great when it comes to taking the time to set up warnings on equipment and having trainers to look after athletes. However, there are hundreds of people that can occupy a gym at any given time, making it difficult for safety to be their number one priority. This is where a home gym prevails.

When it comes to children, a public basketball court can prove hazardous due to hard concrete and public crowding. A basketball court for home can greatly eliminate these risks.

Having a personal workout space can offer great safety and health benefits. It allows you the freedom to choose your favorite home gym floor to ensure you get quality comfort and safety from exercising, to always knowing where your kids are.