POSTED ON 7/5/11 | Volleyball Canada has selected Sport Court as the official playing surface for the organization. The selection was announced by Mark Eckert, Executive Director of Volleyball Canada.

“This agreement is the result of a long standing, beneficial relationship with Sport Court,” said Eckert. “During this time Sport Court has proven to be a great surface for the volleyball community in Canada and beyond.”

“We are thrilled to have been chosen by Volleyball Canada. Sport Court is the only modular synthetic playing surface with ISO 9001:2008 quality certification, which sets quality standards that ensure Volleyball Canada’s athletes are receiving the best products each and every time,” said Ron Cerny, President of Connor Sport Court International.

“Quality and safety are enormously important to us,” added Eckert. “Sport Court is the only modular synthetic surface with ISO 9001:2008 quality certification. This quality standard provides safety for our athletes and insures that the performance of our sport will not be compromised.” added Eckert “