Between work, school, homework and afterschool activities, it can be difficult for today’s families to find time to spend together as a family. If you’re looking for a new activity the whole family can enjoy, consider implementing a weekly family sports night. While spending quality time with parents is beneficial for any child, whether it’s at the dinner table or on the home basketball court — a family sports nights can be a great way to get the kids involved both in physical activity and family fun.

Sports Nights Introduce Kids to New Games

A designated family sports night not only emphasizes physical fitness, it helps to get kids interested in sports and active games. If you host a weekly sports night on your backyard Sport Court game court surface, you can easily introduce kids to an array of games such as tennis, volleyball, hockey, basketball, futsal and more. Kids introduced to a variety of sports early on in life are more likely to stay active through adulthood. 

Family Sports Nights Foster Friendly Competition

While gameplay and technique are important in any family sports night, a family sports night also teaches kids about teamwork and sportsmanship. While playing a game on your home basketball court, encourage kids to exhibit good sportsmanship and stay friendly even in a competitive scenario.

Above all, family sports nights are about family bonding. A strong family relationship requires time and upkeep, but a healthy family is the best investment. Spending time with parents and siblings is an essential part of healthy childhood development: kids who have close relationships with their parents and spend time doing activities together exhibit fewer behavioral problems, do better in school and are less likely to engage in violence.

Building Healthy Family Relationships

Whether you’re working through a tough homework problem together or playing some H-O-R-S-E on the backyard home basketball court, spending time together is essential for any healthy family relationship. Get kids involved in both physical fitness and fun family activities with a weekly family sports night.

Natalie Benoy is an athletics writer for Fusion 360, an SEO and content marketing agency. Information provided by Sport Court. Follow on Twitter.