Your family has come to a decision: They want a backyard home basketball court. And although there’s still some debate as to what design, color and size of court you’ll get, one thing is certain — your family’s love for basketball insists that you bring the spirit of professional basketball to your backyard. 

Yet before you begin taking votes for what color and design your home basketball court will be (Mom wants a Bayler-inspired court but Dad wants to build an homage to the Kansas Jayhawks), there’s one question you must answer: Do you need a permit to build a backyard court?


Municipality or Community Regulations

The answer to this question isn’t 100 percent straightforward — it all depends on the regulations in your municipality or neighborhood. There may be some size restrictions, usually contingent upon the proximity of your proposed court to your property line, fencing, lights or drainage. These restrictions aren’t out to rain on your home basketball court parade; on the contrary, they’re set in place to ensure that you don’t unintentionally inflict damage on the properties surrounding your backyard. 

But don’t stress about figuring this out by yourself — one of our Sport Court Dealers will work with you through every step to ensure that your court meets all of your community regulations.


Our CourtBuilders Do the Hard Work for You

In some cases, a community may require a special permit to build a Sport Court. Nine times out of 10 this happens when a court requires a retaining wall to secure the court. This isn’t something that you have to figure out by yourself, however. Our CourtBuilders’ initial site visit will help us decipher the unique landscape of your backyard and any special features that we may need to take into consideration before building. The only thing that you and your family have to stress about is deciding what design to choose for your home basketball court — a decision that usually yields the best results when put to a vote.