POSTED ON 3/22/10 | Utah’s Connor Sport Court International is providing one of its QuickLock™ portable floors for the NCAA regional site which will host the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight for the Men’s NCAA® Basketball Championship being played at Energy Solutions Arena in Salt Lake City.

“It is one of 22 courts Connor is providing for the NCAA Men’s and Women’s tournaments this year,” said Ron Cerny, President and CEO of the Salt Lake City-based company.

The games in Salt Lake City will be played on Thursday, March 25, and Saturday, March 27. Connor Sports Flooring is also providing the championship courts for the Men’s Final Four in Indianapolis on April 3 and April 5, and the Women’s Final Four in San Antonio on April 4 and April 6.

To see a portable Connor court assembled in quick-time action, go to:

Each court being used by the NCAA for the Big Dance™ was constructed in Amasa, Michigan at Connor’s mill. Connor has been in the court building business since 1872.

Courts are constructed by Connor specifically for the NCAA Tournament. They are built from maple in strict accordance with NCAA specifications. Connor Sport Court is a member of the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association (MFMA) and adheres to the stringent environmental guidelines of that organization. Connor also offers wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which identifies products from responsibly-managed forests.

“Connor Sports Flooring is a Zero Waste company. Recycling, avoiding waste, innovative technology and a strong environmental consciousness are a major part of Connor’s corporate policy. Hardwood used in the courts is from a renewable resource, with the U.S. growing six times more hardwood than is harvested each year,” said Cerny.