Don’t think you have space for a Sport Court game court? Let Sport Court convert your un-used space into an outdoor game court or home-gym. This conversion boosts your home value and turns empty space into a place for family fun.

Four Under Utilized Places to Install a Sport Court Game Court

  1. Driveway

Un-used driveway space is an ideal location for a Sport Court game court. The already level surface requires minimal prep work, making the installation process painless. It also allows you to keep a close watch on your kids as they play in your front yard.

sport court basketball court

  1. Garage

Have extra garage space? Fill it with Sport Court to make an indoor, or part indoor, part outdoor game court. Installing in a game court in garage makes the instillation process simple and provides a place for kids to play year round.

sport court basketball court in garage

  1. Side yard/Patio

Are you utilizing your side yard? If not, fill the empty area with an outdoor Sport Court game court. This out of the way game court gives kids a safe place to play in your own backyard while utilizing a previously empty area to increase your home value.  

side yard sport court basketball court

  1. Basement Home Gym

Unfinished or finished basements with high ceilings can easily be transformed into a home gym. A home gym allows families to play regardless of weather conditions and turns un-used basement space into a recreation area that will add value to your home.

home gym from Sport Court

These are only a few of the ways Sport Court can help turn your un-used space into a place for family fun while increasing home value. For more ideas and information contact your local expert CourtBuilderTM today. 
