March Madness is here and at Sport Court we are just as excited as the next guy — maybe more. Courts are kind of our thing and there aren’t many courts more beautiful than the courts made for NCAA® March Madness. It’s hard to imagine that this same kind of quality is available in a home basketball court.

Fun fact: our sister company Connor Sports has been making the courts for the NCAA for over 20 years. As you settle in to watch the Final Four®, think of us. There is no better court manufacturer in the world.

Just How Insane Is It?

Connor Sports creates enough courts for the 67 games played during March Madness. That is approximately 134 hours of game time. That much basketball requires the highest quality basketball courts that can keep up with championship level athletes.

That’s where Connor Sports comes in. No other court manufacturer can match that quality. As a sister company, we are able to bring that same level of quality to your home.

Don’t Stop At Admiration

As you watch the college games this March and admire the teams and courts, keep in mind that you could put a home basketball court in your backyard and prepare your children for their college basketball careers.

Imagine what the future holds. You will be sitting at a Final Four game proudly watching your son or daughter in college uniform playing like a champion. It’s on a home basketball court that young men and women discover that they are capable of victory. These vital lessons are learned at home with the family.

Letting us build a backyard court in your yard doesn’t have to be exclusively for your children’s benefit. A court has a variety of uses for the whole family, even you. You can relive the glory days when you played in college. You may have even participated in March Madness in your day. Don’t forget that legacy.

Enjoy it as a family. Trust us, there is no better time than March to get out and play ball together.