Sport Court game courts have been helping athletes achieve higher intensities of training for several decades now. These courts are popular among families who want to get their children active, minus the risk of concussion or other serious injuries.

While most people think of a home basketball court as the ideal place to practice common sports, it can also be used in your preparation to take part in “American Ninja Warrior,” a reality competition for athletes. Here is how you can turn your home basketball court into a ninja warrior obstacle course.

Basic Training

Based on the show “Sasuke,” from Japan, this game is all about being able to run, climb, jump and a number of other physically taxing activities. To prepare for this at home, you’re going to need to challenge your acrobatic abilities. If you own a Sport Court home basketball court you have the perfect practice area.

Traditional physical fitness is your first priority. Spend some time on your court simply training your body into peak physical shape. Arm strength is going to help you transition from the home basketball court to the intense obstacle course. Start with push ups on the court, and if you have the ability work on your handstands.

At this point, you’ll be able to climb any obstacle with ease and your balance will be impeccable. Next up is the need for speed. Practice sprinting drills on your home court to keep you (and your future competition) on their toes.

Be Creative

Passion and the competitive spirit have led many people to build replicas of the obstacle course in their own yard, and now it’s your turn. Get creative as you begin to design your own obstacles. Take inspiration from the courses shown on television.

Balance beams, major jumps and even intricate footwork will make you into the champion American Ninja Warrior.

The sky is the limit when you invest in a sport court home basketball court. From a game of basketball to “American Ninja Warrior” training, there is no activity too intense for this court.
