POSTED ON 10/27/10 | Connor Sport Court International’s Environmental Management System has been awarded ISO 14001:2004 certification by an independent third party auditor, the company announced today.

“ISO 14001:2004 registration means the company has created and has had approved an Environmental Management System which enables Sport Court to identify and control the environmental impact of its activities, products and services, and to improve these practices continually,” said Ron Cerny, President and CEO.

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization and is a network of the national standards of 163 countries. It has a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.

“ISO 14001:2004 implements a systematic approach to achieving environmental targets and objectives which establishes continual improvement that benefits both the community and Sport Court,” Cerny said.

“The key objectives are to reduce pollution and waste, to reduce usage of natural resources. It also has as a primary objective to recycle and reuse when possible,” said Cerny. “We are already third-party certified as a Zero Waste Company, and the ISO 14001:2004 certification will enable the company to continue in a measureable way to improve its commitment to a clean and safe environment.”

In 2009 Sport Court was certified as ISO 9001:2008 which sets the standard for quality. As a result, Sport Court’s quality management systems have been certified to ensure that customer satisfaction is emphasized and maintained throughout the company.

Connor Sport Court will be subject to annual third-party audits assuring that the company maintains the strict guidelines for both ISO certifications, Cerny said.