POSTED ON 10/19/12 | Beyond Sport, a global organization that uses sport to create positive social change and Sport Court, a leading supplier of indoor and outdoor sports flooring solutions, partnered to deliver a safe place to play for the children of central Africa.

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The Challenge

  • Tanzania was flooded with refugees escaping civil war in central Africa. The community needed a safe, multi-use surface for children to play sports.



  • Traditional sports infrastructure was costly and time consuming to install
  • Many sports surfaces could not withstand the extreme climate of central Africa

The Solution

  • Local laborers built a suitable sub-base in 5 days



  • Volunteers from Coaches Across Continents, local children and one expert from Sport Court installed and painted Sport Court’s PowerGame™ modular synthetic surface in 6 hours.
  • The PowerGame™ surface is designed with UV inhibitors to eliminate fading and break down from the sun

The Results

  • The community involvement created a pride of ownership. They built it so they want to protect it for future use



  • Thousands of children use the brightly colored surface for futsal, basketball, netball and volleyball
  • The safe, durable and attractive surface will last for 15-20 years with almost zero maintenance

About Beyond Sport

Beyond Sport is a global organization that promotes, develops and funds the use of sport to create positive social change across the world. It does this through a range of programmes, services and events, including the Beyond Sport Summit and the Beyond Sport Awards. Beyond Sport also offers industry-leading consultancy services, and has worked on a consultancy basis with global brands and organizations. For more information about Beyond Sport: