You have a dilemma: Although everybody in your family wants a home basketball court, you’re unsure if one will fit in your backyard. And on top of that, you’re not sure how the design will mesh with your already-existing landscaping. There’s actually a solution to this problem — one that involves designing a custom court from Sport Court. Although you might be hesitant to install a home basketball court in your backyard, cast your fears aside — there are plenty of creative ways to make a home court from Sport Court look like a natural part of your yard’s landscaping.

Our Certified CourtBuilders™ Help With Court Design

Our CourtBuilders™ aren’t just installation experts; they’re adept at finding the best place for a home basketball court in your backyard. You’d be surprised by how many creative designs our CourtBuilders™ have helped create for hesitant families. Not only do our CourtBuilders™ help families find the best spot for a home court, they also advise with design factors to create an aesthetically-pleasing court that makes both Mom and the kids happy. We consider this a win-win!

Let Us Help You Find the Best Court for Your Home

Whether you want your home basketball court to be discreetly nestled in the corner of your backyard or you want a multi-purpose court that commands the attention of both your family and friends, we can do it. At Sport Court, our number one priority is helping you find the best court for your home — not a cookie-cutter court made with one-size-fits-all dimensions. You might live in the suburbs and have limited backyard space, or you might live in a more established, rural area; whatever the case, we can make a home court work for you.

Don’t let the dimensions of your backyard discourage you from installing the court of your dreams —  contact one of our CourtBuilders™ today to find the perfect court for your home today.