The flip flops and swimwear are going back in the closest and the backpacks and school supplies are coming back out. School is starting again this August for most kids around the country, and that means that most students will have to make studying and learning as their first priority again after a few months break.

But make sure your children still take the time out of their day to have fun outside on their home basketball court. According to recent studies, their grades will thank you.

Studies have been showing for decades that children who exercise at a young age will have healthier lives, but what’s not as well known is how much exercising helps their learning abilities. Research from the Institute of Medicine reports that children who are active during the week have a greater attention span, faster cognitive skills and perform better on tests.

But today’s world isn’t kind with time. In between waking up your kids and putting them back to sleep, 101 unexpected delays, errands and meetings will mess up your schedule. That’s when owning a Sport Court game court comes into play.

Having a home basketball court in your backyard cuts out the time for driving back and forth to the park to make sure your children get outside before or after doing homework.

But if you have a big backyard for kids to play in, then why do you need a Sport Court game court? The answer is simple: versatility. The customization possibilities for you Sport Court are virtually endless, so every day your kids play on their home basketball court, they can play essentially any sport they can think of.

Studies have also pointed out the importance of kids playing structured sports with other children. Playing in a league helps build fitness, social skills, and leadership capabilities. Having a home basketball court in your backyard will help your child practice their sport during the off-season.

Owning a home basketball court is the perfect answer to making sure your kids exercise regularly, no matter how busy yours or their schedule might be.