Since the time you could first throw a basketball into the air, your mom has been on the home basketball court cheering for you. As a toddler, you stumbled back and forth over what looked like two left feet, and she was there to catch you. When your skills began to develop, she became your rebounder and personal cheerleader.

Now, as Mother’s Day approaches, it’s time to share gratitude with the woman who was the backbone to your childhood. It’s time to say thank you.

“Thank you for Listening”

The first time you started talking to her, you were a child. It was simply a conversation about the friends you wanted to hang out with on your home basketball court. As she listened, she agreed that you could bring them over if she was allowed to meet them.

Over the years, you talked with her about the crushes you had, the goals you were chasing and dreams you imagined for your life. No one listens as well as a mom.

“Thank You for Your Advice”

So many of your conversations were centered around the day to day stresses you faced. As you spent time shooting hoops together, she shared small bits of wisdom with you. What seemed like large problems at the time, became manageable through a mother’s perspective.

She gave you the confidence to take on the challenges that came with each day and figure them out with ease. The basketball was just an added bonus.  

“Thank You for Spending Time With Me”

Growing up teaches you something important, familial relationships matter more than any other kind. Not everyone has the mom or dad that will spend hours on the home basketball court catching rebounds. Your mom decided to take that time to cheer you on after a long work day.

Somehow she managed to take care of your household while giving you the extra attention — she’s a superhero on and off the court. This season, as you begin to consider investing in a home basketball court of your own, thank your mom for the memories you made together.